Correct radar fields.
A class for building a boolean arrays for filtering gates based on a set of condition typically based on the values in the radar fields. |
Primary function for calculating the cloud mask. |
Calculation for getting the noise floor |
Function for calculating the ZDR bias from a VPT scan. |
Calculate the attenuation from a polarimetric radar using Z-PHI method. |
Calculate the attenuation and the differential attenuation from a polarimetric radar using linear dependece with PhiDP. |
Calculate the attenuation and the differential attenuation from a polarimetric radar using Z-PHI method. |
Calculates the noise floor from a cloud threshold. |
Corrects a radar data bias. |
Corrects RhoHV for noise according to eq. |
**Deprecated in Py-ART 2.0. Please use the region-based dealiaser. |
Dealias Doppler velocities using a region based algorithm. |
Dealias Doppler velocities using multi-dimensional phase unwrapping [1]_ and [2]_. |
Despeckle a radar volume by identifying small objects in each scan and masking them out. |
Find objects (i.e., contiguous gates) in one or more sweeps that match thresholds. |
Create a filter which removes undesired gates based on moments. |
Phase process using a LP method [1]. |
Phase process using a LP method [1] using Py-ART's Gatefilter. |
Corrects reflectivity for range to help get the correct noise floor values |