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Plotting flagged data gaps with a step change test#
This is an example for how to use the step change detection test. The test uses the cumulative sum control chart to detect when a sudden shift in values occurs. It has an option to insert NaN value when there is a data gap to not have those periods returned as a data shift. This example produces two plots, one with the data gap flagged and one without.
Author: Ken Kehoe
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from arm_test_data import DATASETS
from import read_arm_netcdf
# Get example data from ARM Test Data repository
EXAMPLE_MET = DATASETS.fetch('sgpmetE13.b1.20190101.000000.cdf')
variable = 'temp_mean'
ds = read_arm_netcdf(EXAMPLE_MET, keep_variables=variable)
# Add shifts in the data
data = ds[variable].values
data[600:] += 2
data[1000:] -= 2
ds[variable].values = data
# Remove data from the Dataset to simulate instrument being off-line
ds = ds.where((ds["time.hour"] < 3) | (ds["time.hour"] > 5), drop=True)
# Add step change test
# Add step change test but insert NaN values during period of missing data
# so it does not trip the test.
ds.qcfilter.add_step_change_test(variable, add_nan=True)
# Make plot with results from the step change test for when the missing data
# is included and a second plot without including the missing data gap.
title = 'Step change detection'
for ii in range(1, 3):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(ds['time'].values, ds[variable].values, label='Data')
plt.ylabel(f"{ds[variable].attrs['long_name']} ({ds[variable].attrs['units']})")
plt.grid(lw=2, ls=':')
label = 'Step change'
index = ds.qcfilter.get_qc_test_mask(var_name=variable, test_number=ii)
for jj in np.where(index)[0]:
plt.axvline(x=ds['time'].values[jj], color='orange', linestyle='--', label=label)
label = None
title += ' with NaN added in data gaps'
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.197 seconds)