Plotting examples

Examples showing different ways to visualize your data.

Enhanced plot of a sounding

Enhanced plot of a sounding

Plot a histogram of Met data.

Plot a histogram of Met data.

Plot a timeseries of sounding data

Plot a timeseries of sounding data

Time-Height Scatter Plot

Time-Height Scatter Plot

Plot ARM AAF Flight Path

Plot ARM AAF Flight Path

Plotting QC Flags

Plotting QC Flags

Example Size Distribution Plots

Example Size Distribution Plots

Investigate Temperature Quantiles

Investigate Temperature Quantiles

Calculate and plot daily daytime temperature averages

Calculate and plot daily daytime temperature averages

Skew-T plot of a sounding

Skew-T plot of a sounding

Plot a timeseries of sounding data

Plot a timeseries of sounding data

Calculate and plot wind rose plots separated by day.

Calculate and plot wind rose plots separated by day.

Secondary Y-Axis Plotting

Secondary Y-Axis Plotting

Calculate and View Aerosol Percentages

Calculate and View Aerosol Percentages

Xarray Plotting Examples

Xarray Plotting Examples

Multidimensional cross sections

Multidimensional cross sections

Simple plot of 2D data

Simple plot of 2D data

Example plot using heat maps

Example plot using heat maps

Skew-T plot of a sounding

Skew-T plot of a sounding

Spatial contour plot

Spatial contour plot

Compare Aircraft Airspeeds

Compare Aircraft Airspeeds

Plot winds and relative humidity from sounding data

Plot winds and relative humidity from sounding data

Data rose plot

Data rose plot

Windrose and windbarb timeseries plot

Windrose and windbarb timeseries plot

Plot Present Weather Code

Plot Present Weather Code

Plotting state variables

Plotting state variables