Plot ICARTT Formatted Files

This example shows how to read and display International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT) file format standards V2.0

Author: Joe O’Brien

AAFNAV total_temp on 20181104, AAFNAV static_pressure on 20181104
No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

from arm_test_data import DATASETS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import act
from import read_icartt

# Call the read_icartt function, which supports input
# for ICARTT (v2.0) formatted files.
# Example file is ARM Aerial Facility Navigation Data
filename_icartt = DATASETS.fetch('AAFNAV_COR_20181104_R0.ict')
ds = read_icartt(filename_icartt)

# Create an ACT TimeSeriesDisplay.
display = act.plotting.TimeSeriesDisplay(
    ds, ds_name=ds.attrs['_datastream'], subplot_shape=(2,), figsize=(15, 5)
# Display the AAF Ambient Temperature
display.plot('ambient_temp', subplot_index=(0,), label='Ambient')
# Display the AAF Dewpoint Temperature
display.plot('dewpoint_temperature', subplot_index=(0,), label='Dewpoint')
# Display the AAF Total Temperature
# (i.e Temperature not corrected for heating due to atmospheric compression)
# Note: Total Temperature >= Ambient (Static) Temperature
display.plot('total_temp', subplot_index=(0,), label='Total')

# Display the AAF Static Air Pressure on the second subplot
display.plot('static_pressure', subplot_index=(1,))
# Include legend to identify AAF Temperatures
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
# Adjust vertical space between subplots

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.180 seconds)

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