Plot SurfRad DataΒΆ

This data shows how to read in SurfRad data from the urls and plot the data up in a time series

Author: Adam Theisen

SURFRAD Site: tbl downwelling_global on 20230108, SURFRAD Site: tbl total_net on 20230108
Downloading tbl23152.dat
Downloading tbl23153.dat
['/home/runner/work/ACT/ACT/examples/io/Boulder_CO_surfrad/tbl23152.dat', '/home/runner/work/ACT/ACT/examples/io/Boulder_CO_surfrad/tbl23153.dat']

import act
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Easily download data from SURFRAD
results = act.discovery.download_surfrad_data('tbl', startdate='20230601', enddate='20230602')

# But it's easy enough to read form the URLs as well
url = [
ds =

# Create an ACT TimeSeriesDisplay.
display = act.plotting.TimeSeriesDisplay(ds, subplot_shape=(2,), figsize=(15, 10))

# Plot different variables from the SURFRAD data
display.plot('upwelling_global', subplot_index=(0,), label='Upwelling')
display.plot('downwelling_global', subplot_index=(0,), label='Downwelling')

display.plot('net_radiation', subplot_index=(1,), label='Net Radiation')
display.plot('net_ir', subplot_index=(1,), label='Net IR')
display.plot('total_net', subplot_index=(1,), label='Total Net')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.284 seconds)

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